Physics online tutoring based in Ardingly
Online one-to-one course available in Ardingly.
Physics online tutoring based in Ardingly
Online one-to-one course available in Ardingly.

Together we can achieve your full potential when it comes to Physics in Ardingly!
Based in Ardingly in the UK, I am a qualified and very experienced Physics teacher offering online one-to-one tutorials for students studying Physics to A-Level or IB. (I also able to help GCSE students with Physics, Chemistry and Maths.)
Everyone knows Physics is a challenging subject which attracts a lot of the brightest students. It can be a tremendous advantage to have a weekly tutorial to address any difficult topics you are struggling with. A tutor who is not your classroom teacher will often explain a concept in a different way and us different examples, and this in itself can lead to the breakthrough you are looking for. I am good at helping students to understand Physics IB/A-level subject material. I have been doing it for a long time!

Together we can achieve your full potential when it comes to Physics in Ardingly!
Based in Ardingly in the UK, I am a qualified and very experienced Physics teacher offering online one-to-one tutorials for students studying Physics to A-Level or IB. (I also able to help GCSE students with Physics, Chemistry and Maths.)
Everyone knows Physics is a challenging subject which attracts a lot of the brightest students. It can be a tremendous advantage to have a weekly tutorial to address any difficult topics you are struggling with. A tutor who is not your classroom teacher will often explain a concept in a different way and us different examples, and this in itself can lead to the breakthrough you are looking for. I am good at helping students to understand Physics IB/A-level subject material. I have been doing it for a long time!
Why use Physics Tutor Ardingly?
Fully Qualified
Tailored Opening Hours
UK Based, Ardingly, Global Service
Friendly & Professional Physics Tutor

Online one-to-one sessions
During a tutorial it is a very good idea for you to be in a place where you are able to concentrate and think, where you have a decent data/wi-fi signal and where you have access to your books and notes, and your calculator!

Physics Tuition
Technology now makes online tutoring a great way to do things. All you need is a PC/tablet. If you have a touch screen device then we can both write on a shared notes document but this isn’t crucial. When you get in touch we can decide the best approach for you.

Introductory Meeting
When you get in touch we can arrange a video call so I can meet the student and parent(s). I will ask about your course and how it’s going, and we can consider what help you need. I will offer a free first tutorial, with no obligation.